Thursday 6 August 2015

Thoughts After Graduation

Photo Credits: Captured Pixels Photography SG

So now that my Graduation Ceremony is over, I am officially a Graduate. For the past 16 years of my life, all I ever did was to study, attend lessons and sit for exams. Basically, this was all I ever did and ever knew what to do. 

University life for me was never a breeze. In fact, I suffered from a culture shock as I entered NTU from NYP as compared to life in Polytechnic, the University lifestyle was much more hectic and the students were much more driven. Needless to say, the expectations in University were much higher too. It took me awhile to get adjusted to the hectic lifestyle, and I must admit that despite not scoring grades of flying colors or whatnot, I am glad and relieved that I managed to survive University and pass all my subjects. 

Now that I have reached the start of another chapter of my life, I am feeling a mixed of emotions of being excited, worried and anxious all at the same time. What will my future hold as I embark on the next chapter of my life? What do I have to do next as I step into the realities of adulthood and have to take up even more responsibilities as compared to the life of a student? All these mere thoughts scares me, but I believe to look on the bright side of life and embrace adulthood and whatever new challenges or obstacles that I will and am about to face in my next chapter. After all, life is full of changes and transitions, isn't it? 

First Post

Hello there!
I have decided to start blogging again as I wanted an avenue for me to just share some photos and pen down my life happenings and thoughts. And since I'm still enjoying my holidays now,, I thought why not? before I start to get busy again. Haha. Just a humble blog and hopefully you'll enjoy visiting and i'll have the time to update this space! Fingers crossed. ;)